‘Golden Bachelor’ sent three women packing, but fans predict Gerry just crowned the first ‘Golden Bachelorette’ in the process

‘Golden Bachelor’ sent three women packing, but fans predict Gerry just crowned the first ‘Golden Bachelorette’ in the process

It was a big night on The Golden Bachelor Thursday, as the remaining six women were winnowed down to three by the end of the episode. But it was one of the unlucky women in particular that viewers didn’t want to see go, and they have already crowned her the first “Golden Bachelorette” — if such a show were to ever be created.

With hometown dates on the horizon for the remaining three next week, anxieties and uncertainties were high among the women going into the episode. But after an epic one-on-one date and an ultimately indecisive group date for Gerry Turner, there was plenty of drama to unfold at the rose ceremony.

Here’s a look at how it all went down.

The one-on-one-date

For the first date of the episode, Gerry selected the motorcycle-riding, guitar-playing Faith, who earned the first impression rose way back on night one. The “once-in-a-lifetime” and “magical” date — as described by host Jesse Palmer — included a helicopter ride over Los Angeles with the Bachelor mansion included on the tour down below, adding a little more jealousy to the five women on the ground.

After overcoming her fear of heights on the chopper ride, Faith was then treated to a smooth landing right on to the back of a luxury yacht. That’s where the two shared some serious conversation that included Faith talking about being a “homeless teen” and not having “a mother and father.” The deep talk seemed to bring the pair closer, and they shared a kiss with Gerry giving her a rose, locking her in for hometown dates.

The group date

The Santa Monica pier was the destination for Gerry’s group date with Leslie, Susan, Ellen, Sandra and Theresa. Along with the usual fun and games that goes with the pier’s carnival-like atmosphere, there were some heartfelt conversations as well.

Like the one Gerry had with fan-favorite Ellen, who confessed her love last week and then doubled-down this week when she told him that she’s “falling head over heels in love” with him. He didn’t say it back but appreciated the sentiment. The 71-year-old retired teacher later said in a confessional that she was both “afraid” and feeling “secure” about her fate, and also added that it would be devastating if she were to be sent home this week.

As a fun date grew to a close, Gerry’s looming decisions turned his frown upside down as he decided not to give out a rose on the group date to allow himself a little more time to get some clarity.

The rose ceremony

After telling the women that he believes he has “the responsibility right now of holding your hearts in my hands,” Gerry gave roses to Leslie and Theresa and very somberly sent home Sandra, Susan and Ellen.

Ellen’s departure is easily the most shocking of the trio. After she and Gerry shared a cool one-on-one date that ended with a smooch in a hot air balloon, their connection seemed to be one of the strongest in the house and a given as far as the other ladies were concerned.

Justice for Ellen

Many viewers who reacted on social media were in shock over Ellen’s exit while others found it devastating and couldn’t believe it. And given the success of The Golden Bachelor, many assume that it’s only a matter of time before The Golden Bachelorette comes our way, with Ellen getting plenty of votes to be the first one.

Looking ahead

Next week’s hometown dates will look a little different than what fans of the franchise are used to, because instead of meeting the parents and siblings like you see on The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, Gerry will be meeting kids and grandkids. And he’ll be facing tough questions like, “are you gonna marry my grandma?” and, “so, are you in love?”

He’ll also be sharing some tears, hugs and laughs with family members along the way as well, before a very tough decision he’ll have to make after realizing that he’s “in love with three women.”

The Golden Bachelor airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on ABC.

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